Hello, my name is Gabriela Badaluta,
but everyone who knows me personally calls me Gabi.
I am a psychologist and psychotherapist, specialized in Medical Psychology and Psychosomatics

Welcome! My name is Gabriela Badaluta, but everyone who knows me personally calls me Gabi.
I am a psychologist and psychotherapist, specializing in psychobiology and psychosomatic. 10 years+ experience
I like to interact with people, to discover their inner self, to find the uniqueness of each one. I love my profession and I am lucky that I can practice in the area that I love the most.
After years of research, study, inquiry and interesting experiences, I gathered so many things that it seemed normal to share them. Thus resulted this virtual space in which, with gratitude, I will offer part of everything I have received in my turn.
My story starts when, as a little child, I wanted to become a doctor to cure my mother’s asthma. As the years went by, my passion for getting to know people and really understanding them grew. I also felt the desire to write a book.
After graduating from the Faculty of Psychology, I started training in Psychotherapy, more specifically in systemic, family and couple practice. I had the honor and the joy of knowing and learning from great international masters and teachers of psychotherapy, psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, biologists, neurologists, physicians who left a major mark on my development as a human and as a professional.
But I did not stop here, at personal development courses, national and international conferences, at specialized courses and subjects in psychology and psychotherapy, training courses and project manager, I was open and experienced alternatives. I attended improvisation theater courses, body language courses, non-verbal communication, physiognomy, Chinese medicine, non-violent communication, Asian and Western philosophy.
There was always something extra to see, to understand. I noticed, both in myself and my clients, that as we verbalized and unmasked the traumas we had, something changed physically, in the body. Healing that occurred at the same time with emotional releases made me wonder and I continued to look for the special connection between emotions, psychic and body.
During all this time, in my personal life I was blessed with a wonderful husband who supported me unconditionally. Next to him I grew as a person, we created a wonderful family together, we have 3 beautiful children and we enjoy greatly every moment we can spend together. Fortunately, I was and am supported by the whole extended family, parents, soul friends, dear friends, colleagues and teachers who believe in me.
The big change in my life occurred when my youngest child had a serious health problem after birth, developed severe anemia, and his health deteriorated as the days passed. This is how I got deeper into various currents of emotional medicine, biological laws applied to humans, psychosomatic and integrative medicine.
But something was still insufficient. With some doubts at the beginning, I also stepped into the world of spirituality. Thus, with great surprise, I discovered that the best teachers and lectors in this world harmoniously combine science with spirituality, entering, from the corners of the psychic or the physical body, into Essence, into the world of inner peace which, once achieved, finally gives way to health.
The desire to write books has never left me from childhood and until now, but I have long believed that if I write a book, there will be no one to publish it or to read it.
In 2016 I received a phone call from a US publishing house to sign a contract to write a book. I was amazed by the received offer, but I remained with an open contract, not being sure of what I could write of interest to others.
In 2017, I had the opportunity to write a chapter in a book with Dr. Joe Vitale, a book materialized in 2018.
Also in 2018 we received offers from two other publishers in the States.
One of the two publishers, proposed me to write a book and launch it in New York, during an international book exhibition event. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. It was a truly impressive experience.
I invested a lot of time, energy and study in my career, I made a lot of efforts and sacrifices over time, but it was well worth it.
Grateful for all these gifts that I received in abundance and which I still receive, I decided to offer as much information as possible under the form of articles, books and, in the future, courses.
From everything you find here, take only what suits you.
I embrace you dearly, Gabi

""You do not stumble over a mountain, but you do over a stone.""
~ Chinese proverb